
how to find slime chunks in minecraft

Slimes are bouncy, cube-shaped hostile mobs that spawn deep surreptitious in particular chunks, or at night in swamp biomes.


  • 1 Spawning
    • one.1 Swamps
    • i.2 "Slime chunks"
      • 1.2.1 Java Edition
      • ane.two.2 Bedrock Edition
  • two Drops
  • three Beliefs
  • 4 Sounds
  • 5 Data values
    • five.i ID
    • 5.ii Entity data
  • 6 Advancements
  • seven Video
  • viii History
  • 9 Problems
  • 10 Trivia
  • eleven Gallery
    • 11.1 Screenshots
    • 11.ii In other media
  • 12 Encounter as well
  • 13 References

Spawning [ ]

Slimes spawn in the Overworld in specific "slime chunks" below layer xl, regardless of light levels. They can likewise spawn in swamp biomes between layers l and 70 in light levels of 7 or less, with these layers tending to be near the surface.

Only sizes 1, two, and 4 (NBT Size tag values 0, 1 and 3 respectively) spawn naturally. With employ of /summon, slimes can potentially range from size 1 to 256 (NBT Size tag 0–255)/1 to 128 (NBT Size tag 0-127)

Similar most other hostile mobs, slimes practise not spawn within 24 blocks (spherical) of whatsoever player, despawn over time if no player is within 32 blocks, and despawn instantly if no player is within the despawn radius (128 blocks in Java Edition, 44 to 128 blocks in Boulder Edition depending on simulation distance[ verify ]).

A slime needs roughly a three×2.1x3 complimentary space to spawn. The area in which the slime spawns must be clear of solid or liquid obstructions. When a slime attempts to spawn, the game checks for the infinite requirement of a large slime, and the size is determined later. Therefore, since big slimes are slightly taller than 2 blocks, no slimes, regardless of size, are able to spawn at all in two-cake-high areas. Also, since large slimes are slightly wider than two blocks, and mobs spawn at the eye of a block, having any cake within the iii×2.1x3 surface area, fifty-fifty as sparse equally a drinking glass pane, tin prevent a slime of whatsoever size from spawning.

Slime size is affected by regional difficulty: chances range from 33% for each size at the low difficulty to xvi% small, 33% medium, and l% big with higher difficulty.

Slime Spawning On Calorie-free-Emitting Blocks
Cake Can Spawn
Beacon No
Campfire No
Conduit No
End Gateway No
End Portal No
Glowstone No
Fire No
Lava No
Lava Cauldron No
Jack o'Lantern Yes
Lantern No
Redstone Lamp Yes
Respawn Anchor Yes
Ocean Lantern No
Sea Pickle No
Shroomlight No
Finish Rod No
Cave Vines Yes
Torch Aye
Nail Furnace Aye
Furnace Yes
Smoker Yes
Candle No
Glowing Obsidian Aye
Nether Portal No
Soul Campfire No
Soul Fire No
Soul Lantern No
Soul Torch Yes
Ender Chest No
Glow Lichen Yes
Redstone Torch Yes
Amethyst Cluster No
Amethyst Bud Yes
Magma Block No
Brewing Stand No
Brown Mushroom Yes
Dragon Egg No
End Portal Frame No
Sculk Sensor No
Low-cal Block No

Swamps [ ]

In swamps and mangrove swamps ‌[ upcoming: 1.nineteen], slimes may spawn at night betwixt the heights of l and 70 when the provided light level is 7 or less. They spawn most often on a total moon, and never on a new moon. Slimes spawn in the normal swamp, but non in any variants.

More precisely, the game checks two factors:

  1. If the light level is equal to or less than a random integer (from 0 to 7)
  2. If the fraction of the moon that is bright is greater than a random number (from 0 to 1)

If these conditions are met and the altitude is acceptable, there is a 50% chance of spawning a slime.

"Slime chunks" [ ]

Slimes spawn throughout the world (except mushroom fields) below level Y=forty regardless of lite level, but only in certain chunks; 110 of all chunks.

Java Edition [ ]

In Java Edition, these "slime chunks" are determined pseudo-randomly past combining their chunk coordinates with the seed of the world:

                        import            java.util.Random            ;            public            class            checkSlimechunk            {            public            static            void            main            (            String            args            [])            {            // the seed from /seed as a 64bit long literal            long            seed            =            12345L            ;            int            xPosition            =            123            ;            int            zPosition            =            456            ;            Random            rnd            =            new            Random            (            seed            +            (            int            )            (            xPosition            *            xPosition            *            0x4c1906            )            +            (            int            )            (            xPosition            *            0x5ac0db            )            +            (            int            )            (            zPosition            *            zPosition            )            *            0x4307a7L            +            (            int            )            (            zPosition            *            0x5f24f            )            ^            0x3ad8025fL            );            System            .            out            .            println            (            rnd            .            nextInt            (            10            )            ==            0            );            }            }          

That is, using the clamper coordinates to help generate a seed, a random number between 0 and nine inclusive is generated. If that number is 0, the clamper tin spawn slimes. To convert globe coordinates to chunk coordinates, separate by 16 and circular down. Notation that xPosition, and zPosition are 32-scrap integers (ints).

Bedrock Edition [ ]

The slime chunk algorithm in Bedrock Edition is different from in Coffee Edition. The algorithm doesn't depend on the globe seed, thus the chunks that slimes can naturally spawn in inhabit the aforementioned coordinates for every world.[one]

Drops [ ]

If a slime's size is 1, it drops 0-2 slimeballs. This tin be increased by 1 per level of Looting, for a maximum of 5 slimeballs.

Slimes as well driblet feel points equal to their size: four for big slimes, 2 for medium slimes, or one for pocket-size slimes. Because slimes split into 2-4 smaller slimes when it dies, a player can earn a possible maximum of 28 experience points from killing ane slime and all the slimes that dissever from information technology.

Behavior [ ]

A slime jumping.

Slimes move by hopping, which they practise every ten to 30 ticks (12 to 112 seconds), and can swim in water and climb ladders and scaffolding. Different other mobs, slimes continue moving when no players are nearby. Their exact routine is as follows:

The slime searches for a actor (or, failing that, an fe golem or snow golem) within sixteen blocks (spherical) distance.

  • If no target is establish, the slime waits 10 to thirty ticks (1two to ane12 seconds). And so it changes direction by a random corporeality up to 57.26° (1 radian) left or correct, jumps forward, and repeats the process.
  • If a target is found, the delay before jumping is ane3 as long (iii to ten ticks), and the slime's direction is set directly toward the target earlier jumping.

A slime's maximum health is equal to its size squared, and its dimensions are 0.51 blocks times its size in each dimension. When a slime attacks, it deals damage equal to its size, except for size 1 (smallest) slimes, which practice no damage, and practice not prevent sleeping. Because small slimes still have a hostile AI, they continuously attack the role player.

A slime'due south bound distance besides depends on its size; a slime jumps a distance slightly farther than its length. When landing, several slime particles 18 its size appear.

When a slime larger than 1 dies, information technology spawns two-iv new slimes equivalent to its size divided by 2, rounding down. A slime that was named with a name tag produces smaller slimes with the aforementioned proper noun when information technology dies.

A slime's assault speed is twice that of other melee-combat mobs.[2] This speed is noticeable when the slime has the histrion cornered at a wall. Mobs like zombies and spiders attack at a rate of i striking per 2nd, while slimes attack at a rate of two hits per second. Slimes damage all players and iron golems‌[ JE only ] they collide with, unlike other mobs that impairment only those targets they specifically assail.

Slimes in h2o attempt to swim to the surface if possible. If forced to stay submerged, they eventually drown, splitting into smaller slimes that drown and finally drop slimeballs.

Sounds [ ]

Clock JE3 BE3.gif

This section needs to be updated.

Delight update this department to reverberate recent updates or newly available information.
Reason: changes in 1.16

Java Edition:

Sound Subtitles Source Description Resource location Translation key Book Pitch Attenuation
Slime attacks ? ? entity.slime.assail subtitles.entity.slime.assail ? ? xvi
Slime dies ? ? entity.slime.decease subtitles.entity.slime.death ? ? sixteen
Slime dies ? ? entity.slime.death_small subtitles.entity.slime.death ? ? 16
Slime hurts ? ? entity.slime.injure subtitles.entity.slime.injure ? ? 16
Slime hurts ? ? entity.slime.hurt_small subtitles.entity.slime.hurt ? ? 16
Slime squashes ? ? entity.slime.leap subtitles.entity.slime.squish ? ? xvi
Slime squashes ? ? entity.slime.jump_small subtitles.entity.slime.squish ? ? 16
Slime squashes ? ? entity.slime.squish subtitles.entity.slime.squish ? ? xvi
Slime squishes ? ? entity.slime.squish_small subtitles.entity.slime.squish ? ? 16

Information values [ ]

ID [ ]

Java Edition:

Name Identifier Translation key
Slime slime entity.minecraft.slime

Bedrock Edition:

Name Identifier Numeric ID Translation key
Slime slime 37 entity.slime.proper name

Entity data [ ]

Slimes have entity data associated with them that contains diverse properties.

Coffee Edition:

  • Entity data
    •  Size: The size of the slime. Note that this value is zero-based, and then 0 is the smallest slime, i is the next larger, etc. The sizes that spawn naturally are 0, 1, and three. Values that are greater than 126 get clamped to 126.
    •  wasOnGround: ane or 0 (truthful/false) - truthful if the slime is touching the ground.

Bedrock Edition:

Come across Bedrock Edition level format/Entity format.

Advancements [ ]

Icon Advocacy In-game description Parent Bodily requirements (if different) Resource location
Advancement-plain-raw.png Take a chance
Risk, exploration, and combat Kill whatsoever entity, or be killed by whatsoever entity. adventure/root
Advancement-plain-raw.png Monster Hunter
Kill any hostile monster Adventure Kill one of these 34 mobs:
  • Blaze
  • Cave Spider
  • Creeper
  • Drowned
  • Elder Guardian
  • Ender Dragon
  • Enderman
  • Endermite
  • Evoker
  • Ghast
  • Guardian
  • Hoglin
  • Husk
  • Magma Cube
  • Phantom
  • Piglin
  • Piglin Brute
  • Pillager
  • Ravager
  • Shulker
  • Silverfish
  • Skeleton
  • Slime
  • Spider
  • Devious
  • Vex
  • Vindicator
  • Witch
  • Wither
  • Wither Skeleton
  • Zoglin
  • Zombie
  • Zombie Villager
  • Zombified Piglin
Other mobs, if whatever, may be killed, but are ignored for this advancement. But the riders of the craven jockey south and skeleton horsemen are counted in this advancement.
take chances/kill_a_mob
Advancement-fancy-raw.png Monsters Hunted
Kill one of every hostile monster Monster Hunter Kill each of these 34 mobs:
  • Bonfire
  • Cave Spider
  • Creeper
  • Drowned
  • Elder Guardian
  • Ender Dragon
  • Enderman
  • Endermite
  • Evoker
  • Ghast
  • Guardian
  • Hoglin
  • Husk
  • Magma Cube
  • Phantom
  • Piglin
  • Piglin Animal
  • Pillager
  • Ravager
  • Shulker
  • Silverfish
  • Skeleton
  • Slime
  • Spider
  • Stray
  • Vex
  • Vindicator
  • Witch
  • Wither
  • Wither Skeleton
  • Zoglin
  • Zombie
  • Zombie Villager
  • Zombified Piglin
Other mobs, if any, may be killed, but are ignored for this advancement. Only the riders of the chicken jockey due south and skeleton horsemen are counted in this advancement.

Video [ ]

Note: Slimes can besides spawn in swamps, not only in caves, every bit the video says.

History [ ]

Java Edition Alpha
v1.0.11 Slime JE1.png Slime JE1.png Slime JE1.png Added slimes.
Slimes are the fifth hostile mob added to the game.
There are three sizes of slimes: pocket-sized, medium, and large. Their exact size values in comparison to modern slimes is unknown.
If slimes are dealt more harm than they have remaining health, they practice non dissever or drop slimeballs.
v1.0.12 Big slimes no longer spawn in peaceful.
Slimes at present take audio effects.
The targeting and attacking of slimes has been fixed.
v1.0.13 Slime JE2 BE1.png Slime JE2 BE1.png Slime JE2 BE1.png The texture of slimes has been inverse.
v1.0.14 Slime spawning has been reduced every bit they now appear in abundance.
A miscalculation in the new limit has now caused slimes to spawn just in foreign locations, so natural slime spawning has been disabled.
v1.0.17 Slimes now spawn in multiplayer.
v1.two.0 Slime spawning has been completely disabled.
Coffee Edition Beta
1.2_01 Slimes have been returned to the game.
Pocket-sized slimes now driblet 0 - 2 slimeballs.[iii]
Slimes are currently rare.
1.3 Slimes accept now become more than common.
1.4 A multiplayer problems has been fixed where slimes carve up were visible merely to the player that acquired them to split and would not take any impairment.[4] Because these slimes were customer-side, the player could remove them but by exiting and logging dorsum into the server.
1.5 Slimes no longer spawn in peaceful difficulty and attack merely when provoked.
Coffee Edition
1.0.0 Beta 1.9 Prerelease v Slimes now spawn on levels 0-39 rather than 0-16, making them much more than common.
1.i 11w49a Added slime spawn egg, allowing the actor to spawn slimes.
1.3.1 12w15a The slime spawning rate in superflat worlds has been decreased.
12w25a The slime spawning rate in superflat worlds has been decreased, even more.
one.iv.2 12w38a Slimes now have a new mob sound, the same as magma cubes, to brand the sounds more than realistic.
12w40a Slimes are at present easier to observe as they spawn in swamp biomes at low light level. Since slimes can't swim, it is quite likely that they jump in deep water and eventually drown.
ane.five 13w10a Slime spawn rates in swamps at present depend on the current moon phase.
1.7.two ? Huge slimes can at present spawn while summoning with a command block.
1.8 14w06b Slimes can now swim every bit a upshot of the update to the new AI.
Slimes now randomly change direction every so frequently, reducing the hazard of them getting stuck in walls or corners.
Slimes now randomly despawn over time if no player is within a 32 block range.
The jumping mechanics of slimes have been changed. The distance they are able to jump corresponds to their size; they bound approximately the aforementioned altitude as the length they are. They also turn and face their whole body to the histrion while attacking.
1.xi 16w32a The entity ID for slimes has been changed from Slime to slime.
1.14 18w43a Slime JE3 BE2.png Slime JE3 BE2.png Slime JE3 BE2.png The texture of slimes has been changed.
1.sixteen 20w06a Minor slimes now brand sounds again when moving.[5]
ane.17 21w10a The maximum size of slimes has been decreased from 256 to 128.
Pocket Edition Blastoff
v0.9.0 build 1 Slime JE2 BE1.png Slime JE2 BE1.png Slime JE2 BE1.png Added slimes and slime spawn eggs.
build ii Slimes now have sounds.
Slimes now spawn naturally.
v0.x.0 build 1 Slimes now have billowy animations.
v0.12.1 build 1 Slimes now take particles when jumping.
Slimes now driblet slimeballs.[ verify ]
v0.xiii.0 build iii The spawning of slimes has been improved.
Bedrock Edition
? Slimes spawn ordinarily in apartment worlds.
ane.10.0 beta one.10.0.3 Slime JE3 BE2.png Slime JE3 BE2.png Slime JE3 BE2.png The texture of slimes has been inverse.
one.16.201 The slime spawning charge per unit in flat worlds has been decreased.[ verify ]
Legacy Console Edition
TU1 CU1 i.0 Patch 1 one.0.ane Slime JE2 BE1.png Slime JE2 BE1.png Slime JE2 BE1.png Added slimes.
TU14 1.04 The slime spawning charge per unit in superflat worlds has been decreased.
New Nintendo 3DS Edition
0.1.0 Slime JE2 BE1.png Slime JE2 BE1.png Slime JE2 BE1.png Added slimes.

Issues [ ]

Issues relating to "Slime" are maintained on the bug tracker. Report bug there.

Trivia [ ]

  • In Java Edition, with commands, the size of slimes tin exist customized. Sizes go from 1 up to 256; the size-256 slime is the largest of any mob in the game, bigger than the ender dragon.
  • Considering a slime'due south movement speed is tied to its size it becomes impossible for the role player to outrun a size viii slime on flat footing without potion furnishings.
  • When a slime searches for nearby targets or checks to see if information technology should despawn, it checks from a point at the eye of its hitbox on the ten and z-axis and the bottom of its y-axis. Therefore, a custom-size slime sufficiently huge can be right in front of the player and be completely passive, and it may even despawn if the slime is big enough.
  • Green-colored Slimes are also present in Minicraft, a 2D Minecraft-inspired game likewise created by Notch.
  • If a thespian walks within a slime, they tin see the slime itself inside of a slime block.
  • if the player looks at the corner of a drinking glass block, the slime inside the slime block disappears, looking like the slime cake is alive.

Gallery [ ]

Screenshots [ ]

In other media [ ]

See too [ ]

  • Magma Cube – A similar mob that spawns just in the Nether and drops magma foam
  • Tropical Slime - A variant that is institute in Minecraft Earth

References [ ]

  1. The Bedrock Edition slime chunk algorithm was reverse engineered past @protolambda and @jocopa3 and can be found on GitHub:[1]
  2. MC-131426
  4. http://world wide
  5. MC-97958


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